Two brothers, one brand. The name SIEGER is no marketing idea. Behind it are Michael and Christian Sieger, two people who are linked by both professional and family ties. How does their partnership work? They complement each other perfectly, with each one playing an indispensible part.


The creative mind behind SIEGER developed his passion and dedication to the profession of designer from an early age, which made him, over the years, a successful autodidact in many design disciplines. His desire for absolutely consistent results, his often archetypal designs as well as his feel for long-term trends are all characteristic of his style. At the sieger design agency, which he manages together with his brother Christian as the second generation of the family business, he has created icons for fine dining and sanitary facilities. For these and many other concepts, he has been awarded numerous international prizes.


Christian Sieger shares his brother’s exacting aesthetic standards. However, his line of work isn’t design but professional marketing. He carried out his first PR and design projects while he studied business at university and obtained a wealth of international work experience. In his mid-20s, he brought the knowledge and experience he had acquired to the family company sieger design and initiated a long-term expansion of the marketing and public relations department. Why? Well, as Christian Sieger pointedly puts it, “Who’s going to be interested in something that nobody sees?”. As manager and marketing director, he represents the brand to the outside world. He attends trade fairs, and is a popular face at international symposia and conferences.